Teenage TV addicts prone to crime

Teenagers who watch I more than four hours television a night are more prone to crime, drug-taking and becoming (1) .... from society, according to the (2) .... research. The (3) .... followed publication of a report which found that TV addicts — those who (4) .... at least four hours a night in front of the television — are more likely to have anti-social attitudes, (5) .... on badly with their parents and feel disillusioned. The researchers said that these youngsters developed spectator mentalities which prevented them from taking an active (6).... in life.
Of the 20,000 teenagers aged between 13 and 15 who participated in the (7) ...., more than a quarter said they watched at least four hours a night. After comparing their answers with those of the other respondents, the researchers said that their findings (8) .... a disturbing picture. Almost 50 per cent of the addict group dismissed school as boring compared with fewer than 30 per cent of those who watched less television. TV addicts were also happier to accept that they might be unemployed after (9) .... school and more than 20 per cent would prefer it to work they did not like. More than one in ten condoned shoplifting, compared with one in twenty other teenagers, while one in five (10) .... graffiti as acceptable. TV addicts were also more tolerant of drug-taking.
